Processing a Shipment with ShipTime is a Breeze!

ShipTime makes easy shipping possible, offering a user-friendly platform that simplifies the process of sending packages, ensuring you get discount shipping rates every time.

How to Process a Shipment with ShipTime

To process a shipment, log into your account and choose from one of the three options available under Shipping in the sidebar on the left side of the page. Whether you are looking for cheap shipping or the best way to ship a package, ShipTime has you covered.

Quick Quote

Easily get a rough idea of the cost without entering the full address details of where you're shipping to. Just enter the postal code and a few dimensions, and receive a quote within seconds. This is perfect for those looking for quick and cheap shipping solutions.

You can also turn a quote into a full shipment by choosing one of the rates. This will take you to Quote & Ship with the details you've already filled in.

Quote & Ship

You can process a shipment with one or multiple items by selecting Quote & Ship. The system will guide you through each step, ensuring you have all your details, including full addresses, weight, and dimensions of the parcels, ready to input. This makes it one of the best ways to ship a package.

Once you have input the details, you will be able to select the service you want and choose whether you would like a pickup or a drop-off. After processing the payment, your shipping label will be generated. Print it out, put it on the parcel, and you’re good to go!

Multiple Shipments

If you are shipping the same item to multiple destinations, the new Multiple Shipments option is for you! Easily choose multiple destinations, enter your package details, and then view a breakdown of the price for each destination and a total. ShipTime will choose the least expensive option for each location on your behalf. When you select Place Bulk Shipment, you'll be provided with a label for each package! (Note: this option is available for domestic shipments only)


Why Choose ShipTime for Your Shipping Needs?

ShipTime offers not only discount shipping but also an easy shipping process that saves you time and money. By integrating with top national couriers, ShipTime ensures you get the best rates and the best way to ship a package, whether domestically or internationally. With features like Quick Quote, Quote & Ship, and Multiple Shipments, ShipTime caters to all your shipping needs, making it the go-to platform for cheap shipping solutions.

Experience easy shipping with ShipTime today and enjoy the benefits of discount shipping rates, efficient service, and a user-friendly platform that makes processing shipments a breeze.